
1. 請備齊所有報名所需資料,包含(所需文件請見簡章網址)

  • (1)交換學生申請表、(2)在校歷年成績單、(3)歷年名次證明、(4)語言能力證明(如僅申請大陸地區者,不須檢附語言檢定)、(5)自傳、(6)讀書計畫、(7)家長同意書
  • 檔案格式以JPG或PDF為限,不超過2MB。同一項目若超過一頁,請先合併為一個PDF檔案。
  • 檔名請改成「學號_文件編號」,例如「52024101_1」(1=交換學生申請表)。請務必修改檔名,否則將會影響系統完成。

2. 上傳完成後,需於2月20日至3月20日填寫完成(線上系統2月20日中午 12:00正式開放,3月20日中午12:00準時關閉)無需繳交紙本
3. 填寫時若遇到系統問題,請儘快連繫國際處。
4. 填寫完送出要看到完成畫面,並收到確認信件後,才算確保完成線上報名。


**Please notice following points before filling out:

1.  Please prepare all the required documents in advance.

  • (1)Application Form、(2)Academic Transcript(included every semester)、(3)Ranking Certificate、(4)Valid Language Certificate、(5)Biography、(6)Study Plan、(7)Consent Letter signed by Parents 、
  • The documents must be JPG. Or PDF. and smaller than 2MB。Please combine the same item to one document, if it more than one page.
  • Please change the Name of documents to「Student ID Number_Document Number」,For Example「52024101_1」(1=Application Form)

2. After you finished the online application (Online system opens from 20th Feb. 12:00pm ~ 20th Mar. 12:00pm) , do not hand in the original documents to OIA.

3. If you face any problems during online application, please contact OIA as soon as you can.
4.Please notice that after you send out the application successfully, you will receive a confirmation email by our system. If you do not receive the confirmation email, it means the sending is failed

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