Audio Recorder Devices for NCHU AmbassadorAudio Recorder Devices for NCHU Ambassador

Regulations Must register for NCHU Ambassador-Short Film and upload the film script to the system first. Applications including the film script must be emailed to the administrator ( 3 days

2024-2025 NCHU New southbound Policy Elite Study Program Application2024-2025 NCHU New southbound Policy Elite Study Program Application

Online system opens from 3rd May ~ 7th July ***Qualifications*** Be currently enrolled as a full-time 3rd/4th year undergraduate or graduate student . ***Please notice following points before filling out:

2024-2025 NCHU Exchange Program Application2024-2025 NCHU Exchange Program Application

Online system opens from 15  October  ~ 31 October  ***Qualifications*** Be currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an NCHU partner institution. Have successfully completed at least one year of

赴海外交換計畫線上申請Out Going Program Online Application赴海外交換計畫線上申請Out Going Program Online Application

**填寫報名表之前請注意: 1. 請備齊所有報名所需資料,包含(所需文件請見簡章網址) (1)交換學生申請表、(2)在校歷年成績單、(3)歷年名次證明、(4)語言能力證明(如僅申請大陸地區者,不須檢附語言檢定)、(5)自傳、(6)讀書計畫、(7)家長同意書 檔案格式以JPG或PDF為限,不超過2MB。同一項目若超過一頁,請先合併為一個PDF檔案。 檔名請改成「學號_文件編號」,例如「52024101_1」(1=交換學生申請表)。請務必修改檔名,否則將會影響系統完成。 2. 上傳完成後,需於2月20日至3月20日填寫完成(線上系統2月20日中午 12:00正式開放,3月20日中午12:00準時關閉)無需繳交紙本。3. 填寫時若遇到系統問題,請儘快連繫國際處。4. 填寫完送出要看到完成畫面,並收到確認信件後,才算確保完成線上報名。 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————- **Please notice following points before filling out: 1.  Please prepare all the required documents in advance. (1)Application Form、(2)Academic