赴海外短期營隊報名Short Term Program of Partner Universities

填寫報名表之前請注意(Before filling in the registerational form, please take note of the following:

1. 請備齊所有報名所需上傳的資料(包含歷年成績單、班排名之掃瞄檔),再開始填寫。(Have all the documents scanned-transcript, ranking to register)

2. 請注意填寫時間,過長會無法成功。(Be aware of the time for registering, otherwise it may fail to apply)

– 上傳之檔案格式以JPG或PDF為限,不超過2MB。同一項目若超過一頁,請先合併為一個PDF檔案。選擇檔案後需點「Upload」才會開始上傳。(The documents must be in JPG or PDF file, no  more than 2MB and please merge into one file with the same category. After selecting the file, click 「Upload」to start.)

3. 收到E-mail確認信件後,才算完成線上報名。(After submititing the files, you’ll receive a confirmation letter in your e-mail address.)

4. 每次最多可選填五個志願。之後如想新增志願序,請再次重新填表&排序。活動截止後將以收到之最新報名資料,與同批申請者共同評選後、決定推薦名單。(You can only select 5 choices, if you want to apply more than 5 choices then you will need to register again. We will nominate after the deadline.)

5. 如填寫遇到系統問題,請儘快連繫國際事務處(If you encounter and techinical problems, please contact the office of international affairs.)

(海外地區(Overseas)-鄭小姐(歐洲及東北亞地區) yccheng@nchu.edu.tw / 蔡小姐 (東南亞地區) joytsai@dragon.nchu.edu.tw / 楊小姐(大陸地區Mainland China、美洲及大洋洲地區) zsyshana@dragon.nchu.edu.tw / 張小姐(泰國)yuhsuanchang@nchu.edu.tw)。